Ten favourite plants to attract Bees
- Hellebore species and hybrids Helleborus Niger (Christmas Rose) and H. orientalis (lenten rose) are popular. Tolerant of most conditions, they prefer moist, well drained alkaline soil in dappled shade. They can grow well in pots.
- Salvia species. Choose the right one for your garden. They can be pruned in the spring and look striking in a border. Salvias are sun-loving plants and good drainage is essential for the survival of almost all salvias.
- Echinacea. A good choice is Echinacea purpurea.This daisy like flower is a long-flowering border perennial which is easy to grow. It is an ex- cellent plant for pollinators, rich in nectar through late summer and autumn.
- Rudbeckia laciniata - Striking larger plant with tall upright stems, divided foliage and many single yellow flowers in late summer. Easy to grow if given full sun or partial shade and a moderately fertile soil that is moist but well-drained.
- Lavandula species - Lavender angustifolia is a good choice and a superb plant for introducing vibrant colour and scent into a garden. Lavender is ideal for a mixed border, but it also makes a fantastic edging plant. Lavender really needs sun, well-drained soil and dislikes wet, especially in the winter.
- Galanthus nivalis - common snowdrop. A delicate little flower bravely flowering in early Spring, often covered in snow, but a vital source for pollen and nectar.
- Crocus species (winter-flowering) Delightful splashes of vibrant colour in spring, easy to grow and look beautiful in containers or in groups on a lawn.An early source of pollen for the bees
- Cosmos - Cosmos are very easy to grow and have edible flowers. simply scatter the seeds and these freely flowering annual plants will spring up. A good choice is Cosmos bipinnatus.
- Sedum species - There are many varieties of sedum plants, which make them suitable for almost all types of gardens. Sedums are hardy, easy to care for and make great cut flowers. Sedum spectabile,‘ice plant’, is a good choice.
- Verbena species - Verbena will thrive in full sun, well drained soil and relatively dry conditions. Verbena officinalis is a good choice for long lasting blooms during the summer. It has tall, fragrant flowers on rigid stems and will attract many pollinators.
10 ways to help the bees