... You can argue beekeeping / bee farming is exploitive but, like all farming their is good and then some very...
How to get the best from your pure beeswax pillar candle n order for a candle to work, it must...
Calling for the UK government to ban the use of pesticides in publicly run areas of our villages, towns and...
Precision detection of select human lung cancer biomarkers and cell lines using honeybee olfactory neural circuitry as a novel gas...
“This years early sighting of the Asian Hornet in the UK is extremely worrying and suggests a winter stay.” Download...
Can you spare a few minutes to tell us how nature matters to you? Somerset Council is working on a...
Although beeswax is more expensive as it’s made by bees and can’t be hurried or mass produced, beeswax will prove...
‘We need to listen to the scientists. Excessive pesticide use is killing our bees,’ say company heads in letter to...
We never take any more than one third of a colony resource and only then if there is plenty to...
There are growing concerns that insect numbers are in decline globally... threatening biodiversity and important processes in food production...
Honey and Onion Cough Syrup is a old folk remedy for cough and colds. It combines the well known benefits...
“The UK is becoming the toxic poster child of Europe. The government has repeatedly promised that our environmental standards won’t...
Why buy beeswax candles? Pure beeswax candles contain natural, sustainable ingredients and do not pollute the home, unlike paraffin candles.
10 ways to help the bees Wild pollinators face many threats in the modern world, but we all have the...
Ten favourite plants to attract Bees Hellebore species and hybrids Helleborus Niger (Christmas Rose) and H. orientalis (lenten rose) are popular....
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