Glyphosate is the active ingredient found in most herbicide treatments available today and is widely available in garden centres and supermarkets. It is harmful to health, insect biodiversity, aquatic life and the environment. Glyphosate is a systemic (translocated) herbicide that...
100% Natural surf wax - no more oils to pollute the oceans! If you are looking for a no nasties surfboard wax... We’ve got your board covered! For a lesser impact on the environment and the oceans, using beeswax...
An estimated 14% of all plastic pollution comes from the apparel industry and 81% of that waste comes from synthetic clothing fibres specifically. These clothes shed microplastics during washing as well as drying, wearing and disposal, leaking plastic fibres into...
Calling for the UK government to ban the use of pesticides in publicly run areas of our villages, towns and cities.
How to get the best from your beeswax pillar candle