made by bees
made by bees is a veteran owned business with a focus on sustainable, bee-centric, eco friendly products that are both kind to your pocket and the environment.
Home of the Veterans’ candle.
Together, we harvested the honey
I was given two hives of my own to care for under my grandfathers supervision. Together we would tend to the bees and harvest the honey, the bees were heathy, forage was good.
Following the death of my grandfather, I served 12 years in the British Army, became a Close Protection specialist providing protection in high risk areas, working in over 50 countries on six continents.
I finally returned to Somerset in 2021 with my very patient wife Gillian...
Cox’s Farm Bark Squad.
Loveable, loyal, vocal, inquisitive, entertaining, fearless without aggression. What’s not to love about the Miniature Schnauzer?
board of trustees: Rollo, Ragnar, Floki.
And three miniature Schnauzers having purchased Cox’s Farm with the ambition of keeping bees once more.
Working with bees is incredibly therapeutic...
Working with bees is incredibly therapeutic, almost like t'ai chi when in the ‘moment with the bees'. The aromas of honey and beeswax are cleansing for the mind and helps me find a state of calm. Find your own state of calm with our pure beeswax candles.
Around 10 years ago unusually large numbers of honey bee colonies around the world were being lost to what became known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), caused by a number of factors, not least of all: exposure to high levels of pesticides.
Constant exposure to pesticides, traffic fumes, loss of habitat, poor nutrition from sugar syrup substitutes in bee farming all contributed to poor bee health and low resistance to disease spread by the varroa mite, resulting in huge colony losses of managed bees and wild pollinators on a global scale.
Steart is a haven for insect wildlife and the birds and small mammals that feed on them.
A wild wetland landscape for the future...
That helps people and wildlife adapt to climate change.
Cox’s Farm
Nestled in the remote Steart peninsula, in Somerset surrounded by the WWT Steart Marshes and the Bridgwater Bay Nature reserve, far removed from road traffic fumes and crop spraying.